Thank you so much for reading.
My name is Tina, and I am passionate about living as clean of a lifestyle as possible. I know that sounds vague and can a times seem unattainable or inaccessible, But this website is just about how I do it, the best I can as a busy working mom, and if I am able to inspire even one person, then I feel like I have been successful.
I live in beautiful New England, in a suburb south of Boston with my active, fun, inspiring and always busy blended family. We love food, traveling, experiencing new things, laughing a lot and, we love staying healthy. The goal is to be healthy so that we can experience everything that life has to offer, all within our reasonable household budget. We are real people, a real family, not snobs who have gardeners, chefs, a slew of nannies and an endless supply of money.
To me, living a clean-as-possible lifestyle means keeping our bodies healthy by eating well and staying active, respecting the environment and world around us, and treating others with kindness and generosity. This website will provide you tips, tricks, recipes and guidance to do the same if you so choose. I hope to inspire you.
So you are probably wondering "what does she know" and "why should I trust her". The short version is that I decided to make a life change when I was pregnant with my now 10-year old daughter. When I became pregnant, I thought a lot about what I was putting in and on my body and how it might effect her. I know that there isn't "proof" medically for some of the things we will talk about here, but what I thought at the time and also think now, is that it is important to inform yourself as much as possible and then simply make the decisions that you think are best for you and your family. I thought and still do, that trying to eat as organically as possible, avoid preservatives and chemicals as much as possible makes the most sense. As well as using fresh, seasonal, and to the extent it is possible, local ingredients.
I made these changes and instantly my body felt better. I felt happier, lighter, had more energy, my skin cleared up, the list goes on. At that point I thought that this was the best way for me to live and I have done so since.
As a hobby, I have become a nutritional consultant, so that I can ensure that my family gets what we need to stay healthy. This has worked for us, and I could for you too. And the best part, it really isn't all that hard and truthfully we are not spending a whole lot more on food.
So, if you are inspired, read on. I will post tips, tricks, recipes, things that I have learned from researching products, etc. I will post photos and videos and even let my daughter, also a food lover, contribute. Stay tuned and if you are so inclined- share.